TCP/IP Animation TCP/IP Animation

TCP/IP Animation , IP address

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IP address

When network is formed, the setting of Subnet Mask enables to adjust the number of network and that of IP address in a network. If the Subnet Mask number increases, the number of network increases and the number of available IP address in one network decreases.

*global IP address :
This means Subnet Mask applies to the global IP address ''. '/24' means that first 24 bits are set '1' in Subnet Mask, the alias is ''.

*Network IP address
This is the IP address of which host bits are all '0'. It isn't used in general.

*Broadcast IP address
This is the IP address of which host bits are all '1'. If the PC sends packets to broadcast IP address, it follows that the PC sends them to the all PCs in the same network.

Try to assign global IP address instead of ISP and private IP address instead of the administrator of the LAN.

Actual Network / Website, SSL / Email / FTP / VPN /

Devices / DNS / LAN, DHCP, NAT / IP address / PC port /

Layer of TCP/IP / TCP,UDP communication / IP communication / Top scene

us / es / cn / ja / kr / de / fr / pt / it / ru / ar / Ogumo top